Developing Your Product Offerings
The best way to plan your product offerings is to use the proven blueprint because it is simple and you will be rigged for success from the beginning. These offerings can take several different forms:
Think about Formats and Perception
Since there are many different product formats it’s important that the type of product you’re offering matches the needs and preferences of your potential customers. Some possible questions to think about:
- Does your audience prefer to read?
- Do they like audio and video content?
- What is the best format for delivering the info?
- What formats can you produce?
When brainstorming your product offerings it’s also important to be as specific as possible regarding the nature of the content, especially the title of the offering. The title and description of the offer is what your customers will be paying attention to because it will help them decide whether the product is something they really want or not. So make sure you create a title that will capture their attention and help them avoid mistakes.
Evaluate Offerings
Once you’ve thought through your blueprint and have come up with some possibilities, you will want to evaluate your ideas thoughtfully and objectively. You want to make sure that your lead capture offer will appeal to the greatest number of potential customers. Your front-end product should address the entire problem or topic in a straightforward way. For your back-end offer, you want to have a viable and compelling continuity program if at all possible, or a deeper product that solves a big, meaty problem in more detail.
If you’ve selected a niche you’re passionate about, then you’re probably a prospect yourself. So it’s important to evaluate your offerings based on what you yourself would buy!
Sequence Your Offerings
Following the blueprint from left to right, you want to sequence the development of your offerings starting with your lead-capture and front-end offerings. Getting those up and running will
- give potential customers the ability to become familiar with you, and
- give you the time needed to develop your back-end offerings.
Product Offering Example
To kickoff your product flow you might offer a 5-7 page report as your lead capture. This might be a Word document or PDF that you let prospects download in-exchange for their contact information.. Or provide them access to an introductory video.
For a front-end offer, you might sell an hour long how-to video or maybe a 100-page training manual or e-book.
On the back-end, you could offer customers access to a complete series of videos, or even a combo package that contains videos, audios, and written reports.
There are dozens of ways your product offerings can take shape, so it’s very important to brainstorm possibilities for each offer; decide on your initial blueprint offerings; sequence your efforts; and most importantly, don’t get stuck on perfection. Getting your product offerings out there sooner rather than later is key. Remember, customers are not paying for perfect grammar or beautiful graphics. They’re paying for the expert information you’re providing.