Understand Your Purpose And What School Didn`t Teach You
Understand your purpose and what school didn\'t teach you.
God created everything\r\nfor a purpose and equipped each creature with the corresponding potential or\r\nability to fulfil that purpose. It is\r\npurpose that drives our life on this Earth. This personal purpose is the source\r\nof your vision and gives meaning to your life. You were not born to drink wine\r\nor watching television all of your life, you were given a limited time to\r\naccomplish a particular purpose.
\r\n\r\nYou\r\nare the CEO of your own life. You are the one to celebrate for your success and\r\nyou are the one to blame for your failures. The book will pass you, step by step until you\r\nunderstand your purpose, why God brought you here on earth, and how to live on\r\nyour purpose. Also in this book you will learn what school did not teach you\r\nabout real life. A life out of school compounds.
\r\n\r\nThe author explains how you can identify your\r\npurpose in life, live on your purpose and how you can cover what school didn’t\r\nteach you about real life, which differentiates the rich and the poor.\r\nTherefore, readers will learn how to set effective and smart goals, how to\r\novercome fear, procrastination, failures, and how to choose properly your\r\nfriends in your life. You will become aware of the value of reading, patience,\r\ndiscipline and consistency toward their success.
\r\n\r\nNow, if\r\nyou are ready to take action and start a journey for living on your purpose and\r\nachieve your goals. Then you have the right road map in your hands. All you\r\nneed to create a wonderful future for yourself is to read this book, and make\r\napplication of all the information discussed in this book.
Sold by: Lackson Tungaraza
Sold by: Lackson Tungaraza