Offences And Penalties Under Labour Laws
Employer's Guide on Offences and Penalties
Do you know offences under labour laws?
There are many offences which have been created under Labour Laws which stakeholders are not aware about. Compliance with Labour Laws not only meeting the obligations of paying salary and issue leave to employees. Employers need to know more on what the labor law provides.
The diversity of offences created within the law attracts punishment in case of breach both imprisonment or fine
Here in this booklet the author have pointed out more than 80 offences and penalties attached to them. This is to help the employer to comply with all labour requirements.
Get your copy now to reduce chances of being found guilty for non compliance with the labour Laws.
Please view the sample book on the description to see some of the contents of the book.
For more information and advice on labour issues do not hesitate to email us at sales@tzlabourguide.co.tz or visit our website www.tzlabourguide.co.tz or call us +255 684 839 750