When the Holy Spirit of love comes into us, He wants us to stop our own works, so that He can be Himself in us. This book enlightens you to experience the Holy Spirit of love as 'your Spiritual Personality and your Works' through your spiritual senses and spiritual sensations, by having Him teach and train you, learn and practise through you the love-knowledge of His dear word from the realm of love in the spiritual world
The teaching and training ministry of the Spirit of love to our spirits and His learning and practising ministry through our spirits is the process of living by the knowledge of His word in the process of His mind; which is actually His process of building Himself into us as 'our Faith-Force Of Love', and Who also wants to grow and develop in others in this very nature of His Person through us. The essence of the love content in this book is the fact that the growth and the working of our faith capacity is calculated by the growth and the working of the force of love in our spirits. The force of love is by it's very nature the force of faith. Without the force of love, faith is faithless.
The force of love is a faith ability which also develops an intense desire in your spirit to be taught and trained by the Spirit of love about others, in order for the Spirit of love to learn and practise through you as an excellent way of letting Him be the Faith Increase and the Working Faith in people's spirits (Acts 20:35). The effective way to meditate on these things from this book is by prayer, confessions and fasting so that you can understand them and take advantage of them by revelations.
Sold by: Lackson Tungaraza
Sold by: Lackson Tungaraza