Dei Bible Version
The Dei Bible Version's objective is to make God's eternal word accessible to English-speaking people all around the world. We can't modify or add anything to God's word, thus the Dei Bible Version is not a new Bible. It is, however, a different Bible version translation that demonstrates some important concepts. Dei Bible Version, we believe, that will encourage our readers in reading God's word and developing the habit of reading it at any time and in any location.
DBV does not include all the books of the Bible, but we chose some of the apostle Paul's books by purpose, beginning with Galatians then Philemon and also the book of James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and Jude. The six-part structure of the writer, receiver, welcome, prayer request or expression of gratitude, the body of the letter, final greeting, and departure does not apply to all epistles, however, therefore they are not all uniform. All of them, nevertheless, are sporadic writings from the first century that were written for a particular incident and came about occasionally. The occasional nature of epistles makes it difficult for us to second-guess the questions and issues in the first century from the answers provided. This is like epistolary Jeopardy! It helps to bear in mind that epistles are not expounding systematic theology, but rather task theology for the occasional situations. The first order of business in exegeting epistles is to create a speculative but informed reconstruction of the historical circumstances addressed by the epistle.
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