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How to Overcome HIV AIDS and Sexual Sin


     I do believe God has spoken to you through these pages. You can begin a new life with Jesus. You cannot overcome Spiritual Immunity Deficiency Syndrome (SIDS) in your own strength. You obviously need divine energy from heaven to live a life of chastity.  Short of that, victory will be a hard nut to crack and a far away horizon to reach.  I have shared principles from the Bible - the manual of triumphant life. God and His Word are one.  This is your time to be hooked up with God in your combat against HIV AIDS. When you put these principles derived from the manual of championship called the Bible, you will rise up from the lowland of defeat to the highland of triumph. It will not be easy! But God has made a provision if you make a quality decision to rely solely on Him. 

     Many a time it has been propagated that there is need for people to change their behaviour as a prerequisite to combat HIV infections. However, talk is cheap! The issue is more complex than many folks have aired their views. Changing one’s behaviour requires a divine motivation and power. It is more than an abstract stance. Condoms are not a cheap way out! The incessant sufferings, which the HIV AIDS patients endure are numerous and painful and should be a big lesson for sane people to completely abstain from sexual sins.


Chapter 1  

     1. Robert A. Hatcher et al, Contraceptive Technology 1988-1989, Irvington Publishers, INC., 740 Broadway New York, New York 10003, 1989), p. 340.

2. Ibid., p. 338, 340.

3. Ibid., p. 3.

4. Ed Wheat and Gaye Wheat, Intended for Pleasure: Sex Techniques and Sexual Fulfillment in Christian Marriage,  (Fleming H. Revell, P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6282, Revised Edition 1997), p. 234.

5. Bruce & Carol Britten, Love and Marriage, (Word of Life Publishers P.O. Box 249 Mbabane, Swaziland 3rd Edition, 1992), p. 69.

6. Ed Wheat & Gaye Wheat, Intended for Pleasure, p. 234. 

7. Ibid., p. 180.


      Chapter 2                         

1. Robert A. Hatcher et al, Contraceptive Technology  1988-1989, Irvington Publishers, INC., 740 Broadway New York, New York 10003, 1989), p. 4-5.

2. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, (Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee, 1990), p.15.

    Chapter 3

1. General Editor: Jack W. Hayford, Spirit-Filled Life Bible, (Thomas Nelson, Inc., Nashville, Tennessee, 1991), p. 973.

2. Executive Editor: Spiros Zodhiates,The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible,  (AMG International, Inc., Chattanooga, TN 37422, Revised Edition, 1991), p. 1689.

              Chapter 5

1. Dr. William Consiglio, Homosexual No More: Practical Strategies for Christians Overcoming Homosexuality, (Scripture Press Publications Inc., USA, 1991), p. 29.

2. Josh Mc Dowell, Why Say No to Sex, (Kingsway Publications LTD Lottbridge Drove, Eastbone, E. Sussex BN23 6NT, 1995),  p. 10. 

3. Dr. Forrest Pollock, Ten Habits of Highly Effective People, (Touchpoint Publishing 10500 Sam Rushing Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816-2000, U.S.A.), p. 139.

4. Robert Kronemeyer, Overcoming Homosexuality, (New York: Macmillan, 1980), p. 7.

5. Bruce & Carol Britten, Love and Marriage, (Word of Life Publishers P.O. Box 249 Mbabane, Swaziland 3rd Edition, 1992), p. 99, 100.

6. Dr. William Consiglio, Homosexual No More, p. 58.

7. Ibid., p. 61. 

8. Ibid., p. 62.

9. Ibid., p. 63.

10. Josh Mc Dowell, Why Say No to Sex, p. 42.

               Chapter 6 

1. Josh Mc Dowell, Why Say No to Sex, (Kingsway Publications LTD Lottbridge Drove, Eastbone, E. Sussex

BN23 6NT, 1995), p. 41.

               Chapter 7

1. Josh Mc Dowell, Why Say No to Sex, (Kingsway Publications LTD Lottbridge Drove, Eastbone, E. Sussex

BN23 6NT, 1995), p. 39-40.

2. Dr. William Consiglio, Homosexual No More: Practical Strategies for Christians Overcoming Homosexuality, (Scripture Press Publications Inc., USA, 1991), p. 36.

3. Editor-in-Chief: Paul Procter, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, (Longman Group Limited, Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex, England, 1978), p. 310. 

4. Finis Jennings Dake, Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible, (Dake Bible Sales, Inc., P.O. Box 1050, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30246, 27th Printing April 1998), p. 224.

5. General Editor: Jack W. Hayford, Spirit-Filled Life Bible, (Thomas Nelson, Inc., Nashville, Tennessee, 1991), p. 1930. 


(1) Thirty Reasons Why you can be Healed from HIV AIDS

God spoke to Pastor Ancient Ntepa that some people will be healed just by reading this book! If you diligently read and study this powerful book with an open mind, there is no need to die prematurely from your sickness. “All things are possible to him who believes”  (Mark 9:23), including receiving healing from AIDS. The book opens with down-to-earth and documented testimonies of people who had AIDS and dared to believe God for their healing until doctors confirmed that there were now HIV negative. Pastor Ntepa has ventured to break new ground to help millions at risk of HIV AIDS to see their blood-purchased redemption from incurable diseases. He believes that this is the best time to turn to God for healing when doctors are still tirelessly searching for a cure for AIDS. Furthermore, he believes that God is still in the business of confirming His Word with signs of healing following if someone takes it seriously and without any shadow of doubt.

     It is a book you would not dare to miss in your home library during these perilous times, which have virtually affected almost every family in some African countries south of the Sahara. This book is a manual of how and why you can be healed not only from HIV AIDS, but also any sickness that is trying to steal your health. It is a scriptural and timely message from God about the healing of incurable sicknesses. We highly recommend this book to you because it will inspire you to rise up and take by faith what rightfully belongs to you. Both the sick folks and those who minister to the sick folks will benefit immensely from these saturated pages full of revelation knowledge from God’s Word. If you have any relative or friend with AIDS, we beseech you to make an investment by buying them a copy of this book in order to raise their faith for healing before they receive the prayer of faith.

(2) Condoms or Fear of God?

How to Overcome HIV AIDS and Sexual Sins 

It is a comprehensive book on how people can combat and prevent the spread of HIV AIDS by knowing how to overcome sexual sins. The book opens with an assessment of condoms in preventing HIV infections in our contemporary time. The author believes that people need more than condoms in the fight to prevent ever-increasing HIV infections. The book discusses the power of fearing God, which brings an inward preventive power and outward precaution against sexual sins. The real source of sexual sins is presented by examining Spiritual Immunity Deficiency Syndrome (SIDS). People with SIDS have a big likelihood to get AIDS because they do not possess the power to triumph over sexual temptations. It explores ten reasons why people fall in sexual sins and concludes by giving ten keys to overcome them.  

(3) God’s Medicine for HIV AIDS

By reading this book you will discover God’s panacea not only for HIV AIDS, but also all manner of sickness. The medicine of God’s Word can cure any incurable disease as well as HIV AIDS. God’s medicine for your sickness does not work automatically. It is imperative for you and me to plant and persist in the Word of God until it brings the promised results. An exposition of the seven meanings of the Hebrew word “marpe” or medicine and five biblical avenues of God’s medicine are presented in this fascinating book. The book also explains why God heals through His Word and His faithfulness to it. It will enlighten you on scriptural ways to take God’s medicine. 

(4) Faith to be Healed from HIV AIDS

Is it possible for people with HIV AIDS to appropriate their healing by faith?  Why do some people fail to be healed from incurable diseases? Faith is a vital ingredient in the healing of not only HIV AIDS, but also other sicknesses. The book explores how “all things are possible to him who believes.” It also explains what faith is, its basis, two kinds of faith, seven characteristics of the real faith and how you can have what you say. This is a pertinent book to both people who need healing from HIV AIDS and believers who want to know how to heal the HIV positive folks. 


(5) Redeemed from the Curse of HIV AIDS

This is a revelation of how believers have been redeemed from sickness, poverty, fear and spiritual death. Our redemption from sickness – new and old, curable and incurable, small and big was accomplished by the death of Jesus Christ at the cross of Calvary 2000 years ago. Thus you are legally free from your diseases because of what Jesus did for you. Sickness is not part of the blessings of Abraham, but part of the curses of disobeying the law. The book opens by showing us how HIV AIDS is an oppression from the devil. If it is an oppression from the devil, we can therefore team up with God by faith to defeat it. 

(6) The Secret of Keeping your Healing

This may be the best and detailed book ever written on the subject of how to keep your healing after you have received it. Have you ever wondered why some folks who were perfectly healed lose their healing afterwards? For many decades thousands of people have been puzzled by the mystery behind people who experienced medically documented healings, but sooner or later found themselves back to square one. The enigma of losing healing is explained adequately in this down-to-earth book. Keeping your healing is not automatic as receiving healing is. It uncovers secrets and answers to mysteries that many people have desired to know. You can be healed while reading this book because there are people who have been healed and helped by this message when it was just a pamphlet of six pages. You will be challenged by the relevant testimonies that the author shares to authenticate the message. Preachers of the gospel will find this best selling book a good companion and a must recommended book to the people who get healed in their meetings.

(7) The Power of God’s Compassion

God does not heal just because He is able, but because He has a far-reaching compassion. Compassion shows God’s willingness to touch you at your point of your need. The Bible reveals the power of God’s compassion in bringing healing to those with incurable diseases, deliverance to those in bondages and big miracles to those in critical needs. From these pages you will also learn the biblical meaning of compassion and how ministers of the gospel today need to become transmitters of God’s compassion in order to effectively impact the world around them.

(8) Ten Conditions to Deliverance

Is the deliverance ministry valid for believers today? Can believers be affected by the iniquities of the fathers? In a down-to-earth style, pastor Ntepa attempts to answer these and other complicated questions on deliverance. Our deliverance from demonic bondages is based on what Christ accomplished at the cross for us. Yet, deliverance is not an automatic thing! It is appropriated by faith-motivated conditions. God’s blessings do not fall on believers like ripe mangoes! The focus of the ten conditions to deliverance is on those who need deliverance – what they are expected to do by faith in order to appropriate their deliverance. Besides, the deliverance counsellor will benefit from these teachings.

(9) The Miracle of the New Birth

The book is a comprehensive study of the meanings and implications of the new birth. It equips the believer to know for sure where he is coming from as a spiritually dead sinner, where he is as a forgiven child of God with eternal life and where he is going - his eternal destiny in heaven. By reading this book your will be able to build a sound Christian foundation.                                                                                                                                


About the Author

      Bishop Prosper K. Ntepa is an anointed pastor, teacher and evangelist who has a successful healing and deliverance ministry. He has proved God’s unabated healing power and anointing to multitudes of folks who have received answers to their needs. Along with his loving wife and co-pastor, Rhoida Ntepa, many people have been healed and delivered through their ministry. His teaching ministry is full of revelations and insights, which has blessed countless lives. He has been in the frontline in practising what he preaches. Hence his teachings are full of impartation. 


          Bishop Prosper K. Ntepa was born in Zambia from Tanzanian parents on 8th July 1963. He lived in Kitwe Zambia for 15 years and got his primary education there, from 1971-1977. In March 1978, his father, the late Jackson Ntepa took him back to his home region of Mbeya in Tanzania, where he pursued his Form I to IV education at Sangu Secondary School.

    On 22nd December 1979, he received Jesus Christ as His saviour and Lord. This decision was a turning point of his life. God began to speak to him concerning future plans and purposes. He believes that spiritual productivity is not synonymous to spiritual activities, but in pursuing and doing the right thing in your God-ordained purpose.

    In 1982-1984 brother Ntepa was at Songea Boys High School. Following his completion of Form VI, he went through a compulsory 12 months National Service at Ruvu camp. From 1986 to 1989, he was at the University of Dar es Salaam where he got a degree of Batchelor of Arts with Education.

      For four and half years he was a teacher at Kibasila Secondary School in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It was during this time of his teaching career and being an elder at Pentecost Church of Tanzania that he felt a strong call to serve God fulltime. 

In June 1993,      Bishop Prosper K. Ntepa was led by God to work under Bishop and Apostle Bernard Nwaka of Living Waters Global Ministries based in Kitwe Zambia. In 1994 and 1995 Ancient and Rhoida Ntepa joined Kaniki Bible College in Ndola Zambia, where they got Diplomas in Theology. The Living Waters Global Ministries is a sister ministry to Restoration Bible Church in Tanzania.

They pioneered a church in the city of Dar es Salaam under Restoration Bible Church on 29th September 1996, which began to impact hundreds of people’s lives through teaching, healing and deliverance. Today, the church has birthed four sister churches. Reverend Ntepa has been in married to Rhoida for fourteen years. They have been blessed with four children: Alice, Angela, Faraja and Shaddai. 

Right now Pastor Ntepa is busy involved in the teaching of the Word of God, healing of the sick people and casting out demons. He is in the frontline teaching people how to release the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lives and be effective in their respective ministries. At his church members are allowed to exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit in order to practice what they are taught. In his church, they have seen many people healed including those with HIV AIDS getting healed by the power of God. You are welcome to attend their healing and deliverance conferences, seminars, and weekly healing services on Thursdays at the Oasis of healing Centre based in Dar es Salaam. In Dar es Salaam. The Oasis of Healing Ministries Headquarters is behind Ubungo Plaza and near Anglican church.  If you want books, teaching tapes, prayer requests, deliverance from demonic bondages, counselling and to share your testimonies as the result of been blessed by the author’s books and tapes, please do write by using the following address: 


P.O. BOX 13917,


CELL PHONE +255 741 212 440.


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