ACCIDENTAL WIFE\\r\\nDAY LECLAIRE\\r\\nPROLOGUE\\r\\nPark Slope in Brooklyn, New York\\r\\nNikki leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes, fighting for control. \\r\\nHer sister\\\'s voice continued—relentless and sincere, inflicting wounds as \\r\\npainful as they were unintentional.\\r\\n\\\"I\\\'m sorry,\\\" Krista repeated. \\\"I don\\\'t know why you bothered to phone \\r\\nwhen you already know my answer. I can\\\'t. I owe Nikki. I won\\\'t desert her \\r\\nnow.\\\"\\r\\nWhy hadn\\\'t she realized? Nikki wondered in anguish. Why hadn\\\'t she \\r\\nnoticed that Krista\\\'s needs were no longer the same as seven years ago?\\r\\n\\\"She\\\'s my sister, that\\\'s why!\\\" Krista\\\'s voice rose in anger. \\\"She gave up \\r\\neverything to take care of me. What do you want me to say? Thanks. You \\r\\nsaved my life but now I\\\'m out of here? I\\\'ve decided to move in with my \\r\\ngirlfriend?\\\"\\r\\nSaved her life? Nikki shook her head. She\\\'d done so little. Offering a home \\r\\nwhen Krista\\\'s husband had died had seemed the only logical option. She\\\'d \\r\\nbeen pregnant. What other choice was there? Family came first. Family \\r\\nalways came first.\\r\\n\\\"Well, I can\\\'t and that\\\'s the end of it! After all she\\\'s sacrificed for me, the \\r\\nleast I can do is be there for her now. Keli and I are all she has. And we\\\'re \\r\\nstaying until she doesn\\\'t need us anymore.\\\"\\r\\nNikki didn\\\'t wait to hear the rest of the conversation. Silently, she retraced \\r\\nher steps down the hallway and entered the small room she used as a \\r\\nsecondary office. Crossing to the desk, she opened the top drawer and \\r\\nremoved a thick, gold-embossed envelope. It weighted her hand like a lump \\r\\nof lead, and yet the elegant ticket inside was anything but. An engraved \\r\\nwafer of gold metal, it offered a solution to all her problems.
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