For many years, there has been two diverse groups of people when it comes to the point of giving opinion about the two Cultures: African and Western. Practically, the two are different in multiple ways and it is impossible to comment on these two as which one is the best against the other. The comment from anyone will be biased by default and when you go deeper to check the reason(s) that drive(s) someone to comment what they comment you\'ll realize one of the following:\r\n- A person loves so much the culture of their own to the extent they are blind to see the side of the other culture and bad side of their own culture\r\n- A person has reached a point whereby they completely abhor their own culture and praise the other by being blind to see the good side of their own culture\r\nIn summary, there is no such thing called \'a bad culture\' but only a culture except there are just some weaknesses that one might perceive to be so. To make things right, the term \'culture\' means way of life by certain people. since there is no one way of life in the world, one cannot call another person\'s culture bad but strange (just to be fair).
A beautiful girl with the appealing demeanor and good-looking by the name Chiku from Tanzania, is exposed to live in two different worlds where she explores significance and difference of each culture. The girl is exposed to live in Tanzania as part of Africa (born and raised up to the first university degree) and then again experiences the western culture. Afterwards, she decides to hold on her values and to pick what she considers to be convenient from another culture and picks the most convenient issues to live with in life from her own culture that brought her up ignoring other issues she considers unnecessary.
This book(a Novel) explains culture diversity and different life experiences between Africa and Western World. As you\'ll be reading this book, you\'ll travel the world, explore new things and more. You\'ll learn, laugh and sometimes you\'ll be saddened. It\'s a book that will make you experience different feelings until you finish it.
Sold by: Lackson Tungaraza
Sold by: Lackson Tungaraza