You have something in you, unlock it.
No one came empty on the earth. Everyone came with full of potential, that is; ability to perform various things. Unfortunately many people live beyond their ability. The study from scientists in the field of human potential have revealed that 90% of human capabilty lies dormant inside their bodies. Only 10% is being used.
people use their time blaming for what they don't have instead of using what they have. Some regret their past, how they failed, how they were rejected and knocked out. As a result they fail to realize the greatest potential in them and leave dying dormant.
Therefore this book intends to reminds you that you was not born as empty as you think, God did not create you as a vacuum rather God put something in you that is to be taken out and be used . This book gives you a guide towards unlocking your potential and unleashing the greatness in you.
You was born full, you must die empty. Unlock your potential.
Sold by: Lackson Tungaraza
Sold by: Lackson Tungaraza