Why Most Employees Stay Employees Forever

The first lesson of starting businesses and having money work for me, as opposed to working for money, is really all about having reward power. In other words, if you work for money, you give the power up to your employer. If your money works for you, you keep and control the power. Once I had this knowledge of the power of money working for me, I wanted to be financially smart through attaining financial education and not let bullies push me around. In my opinion, you need to know the laws and how the system works in business. That is when you will be unstoppable. The reason why many employees stay employees forever is because they are financially ignorant, and in my opinion that is why it is easy for them to be bullied.
The thin difference between your self-worth and your net-worth
Another reason why reward power work so well when imposed to most employees is because, most of them don’t know that, there is very thin difference between your self-worth and your net-worth. What most people don’t know is that over a number of factors net-worth changes. It may go up and down but self-worth won’t. That is why if you truly know your self-worth you always feel more powerful and confident. You feel so powerful because you now realize that, who you are is more important than what you do, and therefore, while Money comes and goes, if you have the education about money and how it works, traditional jobs doesn’t matter because you will gain power over money and you will start begin building wealth.
It seems really stupid, doesn’t it?
One of the reasons why people stay employees forever is because; they think they have a control of their life while in reality that is not a real control but a sense of control. I know, it’s not that awesome when you think about the reason why people think that they have total control with their lives when they are employees but, for me it is just what they call a good paycheck is unconsciously giving them that sense of importance. However, when you are an entrepreneur and you can make that same monthly salary in an hour or even seconds if you are that smart, you now consciously think about it and realize that, it seems really stupid, doesn’t it?. But what you might not know is that, the secrets to making that same monthly salary in an hour or even seconds is that invisible most because your focus is only about your job.
The referent power
I love being an entrepreneur because I believe in my ability to serve as entrepreneurial model. And by influencing the behavior of others so they also become entrepreneurs is real at the center of who I’m. While it is not necessary true that, you must be an entrepreneur to be successful in life but to me, this is important because, my goal is that if I become someone’s role model it should be more than just being an employee. In other words, when this happens then I will know I have a true referent power and I have influenced them to be best entrepreneurs of the world. A world of traditional jobs doesn’t and will not provide to you anyhow.
I real hate Legitimate Power
Legitimate power comes from the position a person holds. The main reason why I hate legitimate Power or Positional Power is that, when you are an employee this is related to a person’s title and job responsibilities and basically it doesn’t give such a limitless authority I need. You might also hear this referred to as positional power. Again, this is formal authority delegated to the holder of the office or position. While some people call this kind of power an “organizational power”. For me this is the same to what Max weber said is the power that is derived from the legal-rational authorities in corporations and organizations. For example, when a manager gets to lay-off employees when he or she is not the actual business owner, his or her power is derived from his or her position in that company’s organization.
Positional Power Plus Incompetence Equals a Mean Boss
It’s no wonder that so many readers sympathize with the hapless Dagwood even today. A recent survey reveals that a startling 37 percent of the country’s workforce—some 54 million people—have bosses who scream at them, belittle them, sabotage their work, and are otherwise aggressive. Social scientists and policymakers are very concerned about this toxic phenomenon, if only because of the enormous personal and economic costs. It’s hard for people to do their best work when they are busy trying to avoid the office ogre.
What kills my motivation?
The secrets and behind the scenes of legitimate Power or Positional Power is that, the organizational status gives most bosses an authority based power. The same can be said about status of grandparents in a traditional society. Their power to make some decisions for the family results from their status in the family clan. This is the type of power managers have within a business enterprise they work for; and it is the same type of power granted to an agent or president of the government. While to most of employees obeying this kind of authority sound right and okey to them, the problem I see is that, the subordinates and citizens must obey the office holders regardless of whether the power is earned or not. And when you are an employee, for the most part being an employee means you must obey the office holders regardless of whether the power is earned or not, and that is what kills my motivation and why I hate being an employee.
More often feared than respected
Your supervisor at work may draw authority from multiple sources. In addition to their official position, they may have added power because of their friendship with upper management, their reputation and record, or his willingness to reward or punish underlings. There’s nothing wrong with having power, unless they abuses it. As I mentioned earlier that, when starting or growing your business, The ability to influence others peoples’ behaviors is crucial, to managing your teams once your business have reached at the level that forces you to work as team. While this may seem to be special skills worth having, yet most people don’t exactly know which kinds of power may harmoniously help them smoothly with this skill run their own business affairs. This is why for the most part, if you look closely at those who are “powerful” you will realize that, they are only powerful because they have the authority to use force, and chances are you will not find a truly peaceful and happy person in their sphere of life. The bad news is that, since because over time the kind of power they use tends to bring out the worst in people. These individuals are more often feared than respected
Why power doesn’t work to your advantages
The main reason why power doesn’t work to your advantages when you are an employee is that there many ways employers, bosses, supervisors if not Managers can abuse their power and destroy your productivity. Here are some examples of how managers abuse their power. the worst case is that, they do it because they can, not because they should. These examples are in no particular order. Managers abuse their power when:
• They put the company’s best interests first.
• They display zero empathy or compassion when your spouse dies; but, suddenly give an Academy Award worthy performance the second they hear their boss asked for directions to the memorial service.
• They don’t really care about the work you do.
• They like to remind you how lucky you are to have a job.
• They periodically remind you that you can be fired . . . “heh, heh, just kidding.”
• They view management as a game of “gottcha” instead of a collaboration and opportunity for joint problem solving.
• They humiliate you in front of your fellow employees.
• To their team or department they’re yellers, screamers, or cursers and when called on it say “Everyone knows I don’t mean it when I do that” and they clean it up nicely when meeting up the chain of command.
• Their primary exercise is jumping to conclusions because they have a “busy desk.”
• They don’t want to be confused by the facts after they’ve made a decision.
• They openly play favourites with members of their team and isolate themselves from those they don’t like.
• They get angry if you propose an idea to one of their peers they can’t take credit for.
• They exclude you from meetings on projects you are part of.
• They withhold information you need to do your job, saying “I’ll tell you when you need to know.”
• Even though they’ve approved your vacation time and it’s on the calendar, they want you to remind them of your vacation the week before.
• They concoct false emergencies while you’re on vacation or traveling for business and then berate you for not having answered your email or phone while you were gone, even after you told them you’d have had limited or no access.
• They forever place you on their mental S-list. And no, S does not stand for special.
• They retaliate against anyone who does not agree with them, or in their eyes, makes them look bad.
• They laugh at you when you share good news about a project.
• They are unwillingly to express gratitude for a job well done because to them “that’s your job.”
• The few accolades they do give sound forced or disingenuous.
• They don’t listen to your warnings about adverse consequences of their decisions because to them “you’ll do as you’re told.”
• They let you know leadership “stuff” is well . . . stuff. It clearly it doesn’t apply to them, because after all, do you know who they ARE?
• They treat you like the “hired help.”
• They use performance reviews as a thinly disguised mechanism for justifying a predetermined raise or denying a raise and it has little to do with your actual performance or contribution to the company.
• They play games with performance reviews and raises, making sure you sign your review before the raise goes in effect to make sure you don’t add any comments their boss might see.
• They collect negative feedback in a “Pearl Harbor” file and dump it on you during an annual performance review instead of providing real time feedback when you can explain what happened or take corrective action if possible.
• They’re not beneath lying, attributing words to you never said, and actions you never did.
• They don’t update you on important developments and then blame you for not knowing about them.
• They discourage you from asking questions with their condescending or intimidating behaviors.
• They like to brag about how rich they are and who they know in that specific organization.
• They sneer at the notion of anyone desiring or deserving career development or advancement, except their own.
• They trivialize important problems.
• They believe asking for help makes them look weak.
• They would throw their grandmother under the bus to save a dime on their budget and increase their bonus.
• They believe they’ve garnered enough influence within the organization to become untouchable, and their word will be believed over yours.
• They physically throw objects at you.
• They only respect you in proportion to your ability to afford to make them a political advantage.
• They love watching the parking lot at starting and quitting time and would make ankle monitoring bracelets mandatory for all employees if they could.
• They believe working remotely means you’re watching Oprah reruns and eating bonbons.
• They assume you’re goofing off anytime you’re not in the office.
• They make you feel compelled to use vacation time for your doctor’s appointments.
• They expect you to come to work if you have a pulse, never mind if you’re sick, could infect the entire office, or inclement weather makes roads treacherous or impassable.
• They are masters at turning a Friday business trip into a weekend boondoggle paid for by a vendor who also arranges “dates.”
• They don’t like your “attitude” but offer no concrete examples of what they don’t like or what they’d like you to do to fix it.
• The only transparency they value is the kind used on an old school overhead projector when their PowerPoint or Keynote dies.
My best type of authority
While according to Weber the rational legal authority is the appropriate authority for the Ideal Corporation or organization. On his point of view, this is true because, most organizations and corporations have offices which employ rule, regulations and procedures in accomplishing their objectives. While you might consider giving power to people through delegation of authority when you have a lot of people working for you in your business, my point of view is that, you are an entrepreneur at this instant or you are the business owner sort to speak. Why having the type of authority that looks like you also have a job in your business?. In other words, you are the alpha and omega of your business, why instead of having power to influence others by using your individual personality (charismatic authority), you insisting on being able to influence your employees by the type of authority that derived from the ability to apply rules, regulation and procedures to do so?. I don’t know how you view this, but because I’m an entrepreneur or a business owner, Social authority like being a public figure, a well-recognized leader is my real thing. And that is why charismatic authority is my best type of authority.
Bringing It All Together;
Don’t switch jobs; start your own business. This is my advice to everyone I meet. But first, to make sure you don’t revert back to being an employee you will have to know and understand how power, control, leverage, productivity, money and freedom can work against you when you are an employee. This is why I recommend you taking my book; Why I Hate Being An Employee. This book concentrate of me explaining why I hate being an employee by introducing you to these six concepts, what are they, why they are important, and most importantly how being an employee can make them work against and probably sabotages your level of success in business and life in general. It is my belief that, when you are fully aware of how these core concepts can work against you when you are an employee, just like me, you will completely hate being an employee and start your own business. And that is what this book is all about.
So, Tell me whether you are an employee or an entrepreneur, does power, control, leverage, productivity, money and freedom work to your advantages?
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.