Why I Dont Want A Job

There are a lots of common reasons why most people start their own rnbusinesses but if you look at them very closely you will discover that rnthey all stems in the fact that you hate being in control of someone rnelse, in my point of view traditional jobs or employments does control rnpeople. In My book I wrote a lot of reasons why I hate being an employeern and that the book is for you to read only if your life sounds like;
- I can’t have a boss
- I don’t want a Job
- I’m easily bored with the same kind of tasks, job or life everyday
- I’m too creative
- I’m too impatient
- I’m Not too educated
- I’m too educated
- I have nothing to lose
- I’m too resourceful
- I can’t keep a job
- I wants freedom above all security staffs
- I’m too ambitious
- I’m too addicted to taking risks
- I’m in school of hard knocks
- I don’t know how much money is enough for me
- I have no choices but to be an entrepreneur
How I’m I going to live without a job?
If you don’t get along with the other employees because you keep rntaking control of team projects and bossing everyone around, you are rnsick of your great ideas being ignored. You are frustrated at the statusrn quo and the lack of innovation in your field. Maybe you’ve been rndiscriminated against, laid off, restructured, demoted and under-valued rnyou’re fed up and ready for a change. Does this sound like you?. I don’trn care how badly you’ve been beaten down. It is never too late to regainrn your courage. Never!. By understanding that, then you may be ready to rnstep out on your own and join the growing ranks of the smart people who rnstand on their own and build their businesses!
Jobs suck. Yes it is that true! And you have to hate it to extent of rnplaying the price to avoid it. You need to make up your mind that, and rnthe first step to recognize that, there is nothing called jobs in the rnworld. You may now start asking yourself questions like, how I’m I goingrn to live without a job? Where will i get money to survive in life? Thesern are good questions and there are answers for them in my book; Why I rnhate Being An Employee. If you real want answers for those questions, rnthis book is for you
Be smart. Be nice. Do what you love. Have fun
While for most of people out there is very simple to tame them into rnbeing employee, for me I find that, It takes a lot of effort to tame a rnhuman being into an employee. The first thing you have to do is break rnthe human’s independent will. A good way to do this is to give them a rnweighty policy manual filled with nonsensical rules and rnregulations. This leads the new employee to become more obedient, rnfearing that s/he could be disciplined at any minute for something rnincomprehensible. Thus, the employee will likely conclude its safest torn simply obey the master’s commands without question. Stir in some rnoffice politics for good measure, and we’ve got a freshly minted mind rnslave. As part of their obedience training, employees must be taught rnhow to dress, talk, move, and so on. We can’t very well have employees rnthinking for themselves, now can we? That would ruin everything. Free rnhuman beings think such rules and regulations are silly of course. The rnonly policy free human being they need is: “Be smart. Be nice. Do rnwhat you love. Have fun.”. If think such employment rules and rnregulations are silly and the only policy you need in your life is that rnof “Be smart. Be nice. Do what you love. Have fun.” In My Book; Why Irn Hate Being An Employee I talk a lot about how following the “Be smart. rn Be nice. Do what you love. Have fun.” Rule can make you very rnsuccessful while enjoying the whole process.
Flexibility in my schedules is everything
In my life I have three simple goals, they are; I want happiness, I rnwant to eliminate unhappiness, in short; I want my every day to be as rnsmooth as possible no hassles!. This is why flexibility in my schedules rnis everything. One of the reason why I hate being an employee is that rnthere is always no flexibility in your work schedules, which is why it rnis very difficult for me to real achieve those goals. It is true that rneveryone wants flexibility in their work schedules. But what they don’t rnknow is that, to succeed out on your own, you have to understand that rnbeing a business owner does not necessary mean a shorter work rnweek – in fact, it usually means a longer day and week. I have been a rnbusiness owner for quit sometime now and it’s real a busy life. However,rn if it’s a really nice afternoon and I’m not on deadlines, I can go to rnthe beach or sit outside or take my girlfriend to the park. What I want rnto say is that, with being a business owner, you have total control and rnthat you make the rules of your schedule, so if flexibility in your rnschedule is everything and this trade-off is one that you appreciate andrn are willing to embrace then I recommend you taking my book; Why I Hate rnBeing An Employee
I’m comfortable being “the decider”
When you are your own boss, you are your brand and your business, andrn if something goes wrong or there is a complaint, you need to embrace rnthe criticism, make improvements and move on. This is why I’m rncomfortable being the decider.
Another reason why I’m comfortable being the decider is that, when rnyou are an employee balancing work and break time is never easy! The rnproblem with me is that, I do believe that being rich is having money rnand being wealthy is having enough time and therefore, I want to be rnfully present for my work and more importantly I want more than enough rnpresence for my family. In short, I want to be available to my clients rn24/7, but I also want to spend quality time doing my personal life rnadventures.
Easier said than done
It is definitely true that, this is easier said than done, So while rnbeing an employee you can’t decide everything, when you are a business rnowner without any external force you are able to classify and balance rnwork life and private life. While this is something I struggle with rnconstantly, but being a business owner means you have the power to rndecide and set your own hours for family/personal time as well as rnworking hours. So, if having the power to decide is one of your goals inrn life then my book; Why I Hate Being An Employee is written for you.
Bringing It All Together
Starting my own business taught me to fully engage in my work, get rnmore creative with it, get more done and ultimately achieve all my threern simple goals
Tell me what are your most important GOALS, How do you make sure you achieve.
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.
**Make It Happen**
Till next time,Yours