Why Entrepreneurship Isn’t Real About Starting Your Own Business

In the life of making money, there are six core concepts that I personally believe you will need to consider if you want to be a successful entrepreneur. Basing on the book; Why I hate Being An Employee, These core concepts are; Power, Control, Leverage, Productivity, Money and Freedom. These core concepts are very important because if you have Power, it will give you Control and when that happens there is always a room for Leverage, this automatically increases your Productivity and that means you will make more Money which translates into more Freedom of life in general!
What most people don’t know is that, in order for these core concepts to help you achieve success in life and in business, you need to make sure they are all working to your advantages. In addition, as an entrepreneur, the main reason why I hate being an employee is that, when you are an employee none of these core concepts works to your advantages. That is why I wrote that book
Fire your boss and live happily ever after
If you read a lot of business and entrepreneurship blogs like the one I do, you’ve probably noticed that almost every article out there glorifies quitting your day job. Statements like; “Quit that soul sucking job of yours and call your own shots!”, “Why work for someone else when you can be your own boss?”, “Fire your boss and live happily ever after”. Here’s the truth. There are some days where I think entrepreneurship sucks and there are other days where I think working for someone else sucks. Then there are days where I think both suck. In fact, being an entrepreneur isn’t real about starting your own business, it is just a way of looking at the world-seeing opportunities while others see obstacles, taking risks while others take refuge. Therefore, the book; Why I hate Being An Employee is not a “how to quit your day job” book. This is why the book will not tell you that you should quit your job and how you can do it intelligently. But rather to explain in details why I personally hate being an employee, sort of giving you how I look at the world of business, why I live without a job and to show you how without a job, I think and navigate going forward with my life. The book is simply more about how I think and how that way of thinking affects my life in both ends of spectrum.
I’m such an intelligent guy
What I have come to realize in my life is that, my words will always attract a strong mind or offend a weak one. That is why, while to most of people my book may be more of a threat, to me; it is how I enjoy the freedom that life has to offer to any human being who can think the way I think. It is not that I think I’m better than anyone else, or I’m such an intelligent guy over anyone else. It is not that my life is better that anyone else or everyone should live or go through life the way I do, but the book is about me introducing you to my way of thinking, perhaps you might be able to experience the freedom that life has to offer me.
Everyone has his or her own unique power
As a Founder and CEO of Get Value Brands with companies like Get Value, Inc. Get Value Media, Get Value TV and many more to come. As I continue to grow my Get Value Empire, my power to do so always comes when I’m in control of all those core concepts. Personally, I see people as great thinkers who dream, innovate and do what makes the world a better place to live through their activities and whatever they do for a living. This is to say, everyone has his or her own unique power and in fact, it is our responsibility to find that power and use it to the fullest capacity. However, if your power comes from being an employee, you are in control of every aspect of your life and you are okay with the experience the life has to offer you while being an employee, and for the sake of these conversations, you real want to continue being an employee, I’m sorry because, my book is not for you.
It is a journey more than a destination
What I have come to realize is that, Entrepreneurship is a choice, and it is all about choosing your life style. It is a journey more than a destination; it is more of a process than a result. This is why my book is about me explaining to you why I hate being an employee, what I think being an employee means, how being an employee may make those core concepts work against you, and what to do about it if you want to have a taste of the experiences life has to offer me. In short, the book is about me and how I view my reality world, so unless you like my lifestyle, my book is not for you.
Seating on the side lines
One of the reasons why I hate being an employee is that, if you are not smart, being an employee will keep you seating on the sidelines. In life, some people believe that God wants us to live frugally and avoid the temptations of the finer things in life. There are other people, who believe that God created these wonderful things for us to enjoy. It is up to you to choose which view of God you want to believe in. While to me, believing that God wants us to live frugally and avoid the temptations of the finer things in life, is an example of seating on the sidelines, what most people don’t realize is that, “It is impossible to win seating on the side lines, and it is impossible to lose if you keep playing”. In my book; Why I hate Being An Employee I share my point of views on how I view the world because I want you to have the wonderful things this world has to offer—without sacrificing your financial well-being and winding up in financial hell. Right now, I need you to understand that, if you are an employee and you want to stay an employee, I’m not here to discourage you. On the other hand, if you are an entrepreneur, I’m not saying you are doing the right things in your life and therefore; the main aim I wrote the book is just to give you a picture of how the world of abundance looks like. Therefore, if this doesn’t matter in your life then, my book is not for you.
The process of making money is about you
In my all life, I have come to realize that, most people love being employee because they don’t know that, who they are is more important than what they do for a living. The main reason why that is true is because; “the same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg, and that means, it is all about what you are made of and not the circumstances around your work life”. The process of making money is about you, neither your job nor your business. My book is more than just a book because; it is all about me introducing you to what I’m made of. It is my only belief that reading my book will get you into more of who you are and what you are made of and discover that, who you are is definitely more important than what you are doing for a living. This is why entrepreneurship isn’t real about starting your own business.
***Don’t switch jobs; start your own business ***
My advice to everyone I meet is don’t switch jobs; start your own business. But first, to make sure you don’t revert back to being an employee you will have to know and understand how Power, Control, Leverage, Productivity, Money and Freedom can work against you when you are an employee. This is why the rest of this book will concentrate of me introducing you to these six concepts, what are they, why they are important, and most importantly how being an employee can make them work against you and probably sabotages your level of success in business and life in general. It is my belief that, when you are fully aware of how these core concepts can work against you when you are an employee, then just like me, you might change your perspective and start your own business. And that is what this book is all about.
If you real want to go into details of the entire book with me, click here: Why I Hate Being An Employee
Or Else;
Tell me, whether you are an employee or an entrepreneur, does power, control, leverage, productivity, money and freedom work to your advantages?
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, as I learn just as much from you as you do from me