I Don’t Sell My Time; I Sell Value To The Marketplace

The biggest difference between me holding down a job and owning a business is the fact that; I don’t sell my time; I sell value to the marketplace. Most business owners aren’t in it just for the money. If you go to the same job from 9 to 5, five days a week, you quickly begin to realize that you are just going for the money it brings. When you own your own business, you are normally in it because it is something you love and want to work hard to be successful at. This is the major difference between having a job and creating a business that you love. This is why I always say, “if you are to build your own business, why not build the one you love” I always say this because when you love what you are doing, the time you spend doing it against what you get out that time spent on the said activity doesn’t matter that much, and what matters is that people are getting the highest value out of your results and they are happy to pay you for what you provide to them.
It’s just a choice that you make for yourself
Most people are willing to get a job and have a boss even if it does drastically lower their standard of living, make them unhappy and without control of their life. The reason why they are willing to have a boss is because they want what comes with it. A steady stream of income, primarily. Many, many people work solely as a means of putting food on the table. What most people don’t know is that, work is a source of pleasure and fulfillment and not a source of income. This is why the idea that, you must work to get paid makes many people slaves in cages they don’t even realize they exist.
I don’t sell my time; I sell value to the marketplace
The main reason I’m able to sleep with my girlfriend three days in a row without getting out of the house is because I don’t sell my time, I sell value to the marketplace. This is why while for most of people work is not a source of pleasure and fulfillment but a source of income, to me it is the other way around. And that is another difference between having a job or a business. And it is this different way of thinking that I will introduce to you in my book; Why I Hate Being An Employee. Well, I’m not here to force you quit your job right now, But you’re your point of view is that, work is not a source of pleasure and fulfillment but a source of income, I will tell you that is not true and it’s just a choice that you make for yourself and you can at any time change that choice for good.
I hate when People say you “should play it safe rather than taking risks!”. It is sad that they are discouraging brilliant people to start their own business by promising a high end pay check, which if you start your business you can get much more than you can handle as long as you are so creative and working smart and not working hard. There is a quote which goes “To guarantee success, act as if it were impossible to fail”. In my opinion, business is about enjoying the fruits of smart work, it is about faith, focus, determination, self-sacrifice and smart work. Faith breaks mountains. If you are dreaming it, then go for it, do not be faint hearted. In other words, in order to be a success in business, you need to reach at a point of no return. It is a point of no return because you only have two choices in life; to be a WELL FED SLAVE or HUNGRY FREE MAN. To explain it more I would say, be a “well fed slave” which means work till you retire and wait for your pension enjoy your retirement Sadly as you wait for your last day or be a “hungry free man” which means, Struggle for some time, set your business, get the well fed slaves for your business let them work for you as you enjoy your success as a well fed free man. My friend in life of making money there are only two chooses; WELL FED SLAVE or HUNGRY FREE MAN!.
It is time to go into business for yourself
I think you need to get clarity around exactly what your choices are and what trade-offs you’re willing to make in order to have a home or disposable income or whatever it is that you want in life. Everyone makes these calculations a little differently; what’s essential is simply that you make them. For instance, yes, companies charge clients more for your work than they pay you and sometimes a lot more. If you can do a job and some else is getting big checks and you get what is decided for you, you have the option of trying to go into business for yourself. And if you don’t go into business for yourself I wonder if you have unrealistic expectations, at least in some respects.
You’re some sort of a complete competent fool
Till now you should understand that, I’m not trying to imply that you’re some sort of a complete competent fool who is incapable of earning better treatment — I’m not. But there are something’s going on here that would be worthy examining.
A brutally honest look at your life is key
In my book; Why I Hate Being An Employee I insist the importance of taking a brutally honest look at your life. The reason why I insisted is that, Maybe you’ll decide you’re willing to deal with having a boss for eight hours a day and know that your fulfillment will come from working on your personal projects on the side. Or maybe you’ll decide that you’ll forego a steady pay check, do odd jobs, and drastically lower your standard of living to fundraise your start-up. What I want to tell you is that, there are bunch of different combination of options to make a lot of money, but all with their own consequences. The key is to take a brutally honest look at what’s important to you and what’s not, and what trade-offs you’re willing to live with, understanding that each choice means not choosing something else … whether it’s money, security, a boss, absolute autonomy, or something else entirely.
I am not a bad person, I am a bad employee
If you are a bad employee, don’t be ashamed into believing there is something wrong with you. The main reason why I say that is because being a bad employee doesn’t necessarily mean you are a bad person and that, you may just be in the wrong place. You will know you are at the wrong place, if you work hard throughout the day, but at the end of the day you wonder if what you’ve done really made all that much of a difference. You work hard but don’t feel like you get the recognition that you deserve. You work tirelessly but it rarely feels like you accomplish much of anything. Or else If your task list is endless and you often feel overwhelmed, in your life you will have to think of turning things around. And if that is you, I have good news because; the world is waiting for your unique contribution. Start today! Self-publish a book, create an audiobook or create an online program around the field you are knowledgeable and sell it on getvalueinc.com or else make better soaps and sell them to any the marketplace that fits your product.
This isn’t a get out of work ticket
There has never been a better time to get into the game but, this isn’t a get out of work ticket. In fact, if you take on the freelance or entrepreneur route, be ready to work harder than you are used to. And that is why if you are smart enough you’ll keep that crummy day job until the market begins to reward your uniqueness. But one day you will look back on this moment as the moment you chose a path, you either gave up dreaming and became a good employee, or decided to go after what you want.
This isn’t right or wrong, it’s just the truth about me
We are stuck right in the middle of a dying, antiquated work model and an economic revolution that is changing the world. The reason why I said I am not a bad person, but I am just a bad employee is because; this isn’t right or wrong, it’s just the truth about me. I am very bad at taking orders from anyone, much less if I feel the person giving such orders is less capable than me in a particular issue As Jim Rohn used to say, I’d rather “take advice, not orders.” In my opinion I would rather quit jobs that so many people would love to have, simply because of this. I don’t have a great argument for my stand either. I wish I could cite a study, research or even an antidote story to cure how I feel. All I can say is that being a bad employee isn’t right or wrong; it’s just the truth about me.
Bringing It All Together:
For me hating being an employee isn’t right or wrong, it’s just the truth about me. I am very bad at taking orders from anyone, much less if I feel the person giving such orders is less capable than me in a particular issue As Jim Rohn used to say, I’d rather “take advice, not orders.” In my opinion I would rather quit jobs that so many people would love to have, simply because of this. I don’t have a great argument for my stand either.
So, tell me what is most important for you . Selling your time or selling your values at the marketplace and how does it make your life awesome!
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.